Sunday 19 June 2011

The most incredible day!

31 days old, 28 weeks and 4 days.  I got in early to help wth Jasmines cares.  Nicole was looking after her today and had just weighed her, 702g.  She was wearing one of her tiny premmie nappies and while it still fit her fine, it wasnt very absorbant now that she was having big wee's and she had completely soaked her bedding!

Knowing that we had to change her sheets, I was hoping I'd get another isolette hold, but since she was desatting less Nicole decided that she would wrap jazz up lots and make her snuggly and warm and I could hold her!!!!  OMG!!!!  I nearly started crying before I'd even held her. 
The nurses got me comfy on a chair and handed my the smallest, most precious little bundle!!!  She was as light as a feather.  I couldnt believe I was finally holding her, I'd waited so long, it had seemed as though I'd never get a hold!  Jasmine seemed to enjoy the experience as well and was saturating beautifully, so well in fact, that Nicole decided that she could get undressed and be popped down my top for real kangaroo care!  Research has shown that premmie and sick babies who have physical contact do so much better than those without, so Kangaroo cuddles are an important thing in NICU once the babies can cope.  Its been found that skin to skin contact is very good for them and the mothers body automatically regulates its temperature so the baby is neither too cold or too warm, its an incredible thing when you think about it.  And emotionally, it strengthens that bond that you have with your child and makes you feel more like a mummy should.  Its very unnatural to not hold your baby!!
Needless to say I was very happily weeping!  I was so proud when nurses and doctors came around and saw that Jazz was so strong she could be held!!  The feelings that hit you just really cant be put into words....well not by me....
One of the nurses took lots of photos for me and I knew that as soon as she was settled back in bed, I'd be straight out the front to tell the world I held my baby!!  It really was a momentous occasion for me!!  It almost seemed as though time stopped, jazz and I just gazing at each other and poor Jazz was covered almost constantly with kisses, I think she got 4 weeks worth of kisses just in 45 minutes!  While I was holding her, the neonatologist came around, David this time, he said she was doing great and wanted to talk to me about reducing ventilation with a view to getting her on was huge!!
He said it would take a little while as they first had to reduce her pressures and get her to do some of the work herself, Jazz was fairly lazy and predominately let the machine do the work for her.

After Jazz was safely back in her little womb and sleeping, it was a very tiring thing being loved so much!!, I headed outside and tearfully called my Mum to tell her my amazing news!!  I sent photos to everyone and told everyone I bumped into!!!  I was on such a high!!!  Seriously if they could bottle that feeling of euphoria they'd have an incredibly amazing and highly addictive drug!!!!

9pm update- Still doing great and her nurse told me that "she's pooing like a freakin champion!!!"  Thats my girl!!
She also had her bone bloods done and would need another transfusion, poor poppet. 

I was on a huge high still later that night and had difficulty sleeping!!!!!  What an incredible day!!!!

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