Sunday 26 June 2011

39 weeks- ever closer to the exit!!!

Jazz is officially NOT a morning person!  She just cant be bothered waking for a breastfeed at 8am- too much like hard work!
Before her 11am feed, we weighed and bathed her she's 1998g, little bugger!!  I'm sure she knew I was waiting for the big 2 kilos!! and she poo'd off 2g!
After her bath she was ravenous and spent 20 minutes sucking, she wouldve gotten a lot of milk!!  By the 2pm feed she was still full and sleepy so she had a nasogastric feed.
The doctors have upped her allowed feeds to 5 a day- 3 breast feeds and 2 bottles overnight!

Saw Leah in the hallway, she was amazed to see Jazz in bay 3, she said she's incredible....just need all suck feeds to get home.
On 0.06 all day, anelle said thats awesome, 'just a sniff'

8pm- O2 was reduced to 0.04!!  That must be half a sniff!

Jazz was too tired again for the 8am feed, but she had her two bottles over night.
She's doing well on 0.04 still, although her prongs just will not stay in her nose!!  The tape wont stick to one side because of the way the NG tube is taped.  So she had quite a lot of desats because of that!
Blood gasses were done, Co2 is 57 so they want to repeat it tomorrow and her haemoglobin is low again too- 74.

She's been farting almost constantly, sounds like a truck driver!!!
Had a good breast feed at 11am- filled herself up.  Then at 2pm she had a massive feed.  Once again I was overdue to express and she got a lot all at once and promptly threw the lot up again!!  Then she turned her head and gave me a look like she was saying "what the hell are you doing to me!!!?!!"
I fed her slowly after that, booby in- gulp a lot, booby out- have a break.  She had a big feed and got very drunk!
She's very cuddly and delicious when she's milk drunk!

Jasmine is still doing brilliantly, but I wasnt too thrilled with her nurse!  She was snorting and coughing and sniffling all over the place!!
Jazz is a bit fussy at the breast at the moment.  Dont know what to do.  I think maybe my milk flow is too much for her??  She's now on 4hrly feeds.

Weighed her today, shes now 2002g, only 4g in 2 days, maybe shes not getting enough from me.
Paul and I went in late tonight and he got to give her a bottle feed.

Fussy at the breast again today.  Not sure if I should keep trying or if she'll do better on the bottle.  She'll be getting breast milk either way.

She got moved to Bay 2!!!  OMG!!!  She's just amazing!  I can literally almost see the door from here!!!

Had a better feed today, we tried a nipple shield and she does much better on it.
Everyone is still astounded at how well she's doing!  nd we have the family meeting tomorrow!!!!
Oxygen 0.06 and she had a nice, big poo!

Had a bath and a weigh, put on 41g this time, much better!!! Now 2046g  And now she smells nice too!

Jazz had to be topped up for this mornings feed, just not a morning person.

The family meeting was good.  Tony thinks Jazz is brilliant!  Of course she is!!!
He said all she needs is to have all suck feeds, and we will go home on oxygen, thats ok, thats what I always assumed anyway.
He said we will be moved to Dadenong very soon for fattening up and establishing feeds....dont want to go to Dandy at all....I have started doing all of Jazzies meds in preparation for going home.

She had her hearing test today, and incredibly, despite all the o2 and meningitis, she passed!!!  Astounding!!!  I've been concerned about that since she had meningitis!

Once again Jazz was too tired to be bothered working at the booby this morning.  Got a nice cuddle though!  Paige spent the day with us, she got big cuddles too and loved it!
Jazz had a massive breastfeed after her weigh and bath!  She got 6 letdowns!!  and ended up with lots of pains in her tummy, took ages to settle and when we left Jeneane was still cuddling her!!

8pm- Slept all afternoon once she settled after her big feed.  Took a bottle at 7pm and sucked well.

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