Friday 24 June 2011

36 weeks!! incredible week

Amanda has Jazz again this morning, and so far Jazz is being very good for her!  O2 22-24%, currently on 24% satting ast 90, co2 46.

She was good when i was there, still very squirmy and seems to have a belly full of wind, poor thing.  Had a lovely cuddle, I love cuddling her, I get to give her lots of kisses.  I suppose a positive of her being born so ealry is that I can cuddle and kiss her more than she wouldve gotten if she had gone to term!

8.30pm-Rebecca had her.  Jazz has graduated onto bubble CPAP! and is doing fine!  And her flow has decreased, just another step closer to graduating off CPAP altogether!
 Rebecca is very impressed with her!  Currently on 27% o2 and tolerating her 10ml feeds!

Jazz has put on 100g!!  But looking at her poor tummy I think its all poo!!! 
She's not overly thrilled at being on buble CPAP 'cos she has to work harder!  Her oxygen is between 25-30%.  Feeds have been reduced to 9ml to give her tummy a break, she'llbe ok once she starts pooing properly again!  Co2 is up to 58, but they think thats fine.  Haemoglobin is 84 today, yesterday it was 78, so shes making blood cells ok and hopefully will not need any more blood transfusions!  What a clever girl!

Leanne had her today, got a breast contact cuddle, she loves booby!!  She was saturating beautifully on low flow.  Spent the whole cuddle straining and squeeking!, she managed a bit of a poo, but not enough!
When she went back into the isolette, I massaged her tummy lots, then Leanne poked a lubricated cotton bud up her bottom a little to see if that would help, she ended up having a couple of huge poo's!!  I kept massaging and Leanne used two more cotton buds, poor poppet, but it worked!
When I left her, she was on her side on 24% o2.

Rang at 5pm- Amanda has her again. She was now on 28%, on her back, she hates her back, I reckon desatting on her back is her little form of tanty to try and get her own way!! Like those kids who hold their breath and turn blue in an effort to panic their parents into submission!!!  She was still very squirmy, but hadnt had any more poo's.  Will possibly have another suppository later if she doesnt get that bowel going!  After the big poo she'd had earlier, her girth had reduced by 1.5cm, bringing it down to 29cm......if only it were that easy for us to lose girth!!!!!!!!

11.50pm- 28-30% o2.  Still up and down with the desats.
Had her suppository, no poos so far.

8.45am- Amanda has her again today and shes been a bit ratty, currently sucking her summy and listening to her music.  On her back, 28% and her flow has been turned down more.

She spent most of the day on 25%.  Big girl had 2 and a half hours of low flow today!!  Saturated beautifully and coped extremely well!!  Had breast contact for half an hour and she was very squirmy, straining and squeeking!  Tried a few different ways of burping her and finally got a real burp out of her!!
Still no joy with the poos, she just decided she'll keep the suppository too!

The doctors are very impressed and want to begin increasing her time on low flow!!  She is just extraordinary!  She'll have more bone bloods done tomorrow and if it comes back ok, she'llstop phosphate and fortifier.  The bone bloods are done, and the phosphate etc given because these guys are prone to getting rickets, so they do what they can to avoid that!  Fortifier sometimes makes their tummies big like Jazzies.

7pm update- she has Janelle. 24% and behaving

8am- doing realy well today and currentlydown to air!!  on her tummy of course!  Very awake and listening to her music.  Finally had a big poo this morning!

On 25% when I got there this morning and was cracking the shits over something!  Heart rate goes over 200 when she's angry!!  Gave her the dummy and she was fine.

weigh today- 1643g!!  Awesome!!
Got an hour long cuddle on low flow and loved it as usual.  Arvand wants her on low flow 2 hrs twice a day now, way to go Miss Jazzie!!!
Because of that I got to go and express, then come back and have more cuddles and breast contact!  for another 1 and a half hours!!!

She went nuuts on the booby, actually guzzled a fair bit, then nearly threw up!  Greedy girl!  Then got 2 big nurps out of her!  She's been pooing lots today.
Had her bone bloods done and didnt even bat an eyelid cos she had sucrose and her dummy!  Janelle reckons if she continues going as well as she has, she could even be off CPAP as early as next week!!

9.45pm- fast asleep, beinggood.  26-27%. 6ml aspirate at 5pm (after her salt) nothing at 7pm.  only 2 brads for the day.

8.20am- Had a great night, minimal desats.  27% o2, saturation 97

Got in at 10.30am, expressed, then had a lovely cuddle. Coping well on 2 hours twice a day of low flow, and Arvand said that tomorrow she can begin trialling 4 hrs twice a day!! 

She had a bt of a crack at the breast, goes off tap when she loses it!!!  She just coped beautifully with the 2 hrs low flow!

Paul and I went in tonight.  She'd just gone back onto CPAP and was buggered and fast asleep so we missed out on bathing her together.  He said for me to go ahead and do it tomorrow....just quietly, she stinks!!!
Bone bloods are fine!  Phosphate has been reduced.  Today I noticed a tiny white spot in her iris, but the nurses couldnt see it.

OMG!!!  Walked in today to find Jazz was being moved to bay 5!!!!!!!!!!  I watched as she was moved, waited til she was settled, took photos of her in bay 5...then ran out the front in tears of happiness to call mum.  My first thought (in my naivety) was that she's not going to die now!!!!  Moving from NICU to NICU special care is an enormous step.  Its exhilerating and exciting, but its also a little scarey!!  And its her first step on her way home!!  Shes utterly amazing, an absolute miracle! 
She had a weigh and is now a whopping 1689g!!  Thats 3 pound 11.5ounces!!  Thats a far cry from her birth weight of 526g,  1 pound 2 and a half ounces!! 

After her weigh, I gave her her first bath!!!  The OT toldme to swaddle her in a cloth nappy to begin with, then slowly remove it as she gets used to the water.  She coped well, but didnt want to let go of that nappy!!  She was cold when we finished, I dried her off and swaddled her in blankies after she was dressed and cuddled her for an hour, she slept the whole time.

When she was put back into her isolette, she didnt budge, bloody exhausting having a bath for the first time after 87 days!!  its hard work!!  Even when the low flow was removed and she was put back onto CPAP she barely noticed!!  Very big day for the very big girl!!

The Doctors are going to look at her eye tomorrow to check the spot.

8pm- very settled!  he pulled her oral gastric tube out and had to get it reinserted, she was none too happy!!!  She had a couple of small desats and one big one.  on 28% o2.

Had a great night as usual!  28% all night.
9am- on low flow now until 1pm.

Had parent teacher interviews so I didnt get in 'til 12.30pm, thoughtI'd only get half an hour with her on low flow, but Arvand decided to try her on 6 hrs twice a day!!!!
Arvand came and spoke to me and said she's doing so well that she often doesnt even have her prongs in and still copes!!  He found them in her eyes the other day! lol
He said that she'll have an echo over the weekend at some stage to see if the PDA is still there or not.
As its not causing any dramas if it is there they wont need to treat it, but she'd be scanned again before she goes home, then 8 months later etc.
She'll also have her vaccinations next week.

had a wonderful 2 hr cuddle!!  She had 10 minutes of breast contact and  had a couple of lletdowns, she was slack today and mostly just let it run into her mouth and she just swallowed!!  (I have a great let down)

Because she had some milk, she only ,had half a feed but it seems she may have gotten more than we thought, I had to keep sitting her up 'cos she looked like she was going to throw up.  She was a very tired girl when she went back onto CPAP at 3pm!

Leanne had her this afternoon and was rapt to see her in Bay 5!!!  asked if she thought Jazz might crash and go back a bit, but Leanne reckons she's doing so well that she probably wont.

10pm- Jazzies been good and is awake at the oment.  She had her prongs out earlier and desatted to 80, and before that had them out again and dropped to 70.  Pretty good though considering thats no oxygen at all!!!!  Girth is 30cm, tolerating 10ml and 11ml alternating feeds.
Had a good poo, o2 28-30%

What an incredible week!!!  So many changes and every one of them positive.  Finally moving closer to the exit and I can begin to see a light at the end of the tunnel. 

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