Friday 17 June 2011

25 weeks gestation!!!!

The day began on a great note!  At 2am- I expressed 25ml of breast milk!!!  I was so excited that my milk might finally be building up!!! Then at  9am I got another 30ml!!  Things were looking up!!

I even managed my time marginally better and arrived at the hospital at 10.40am!!  It turned out that I didnt make Jazz cold by taking too long with her cares, her isolette had packed up!  I arrived in time to see her moved from the broken one to a larger one in proper working order!! It was actually quite nerve wracking to watch them gingerly take her and her copious amounts of tubes and wires and carefully transfer her to the new one without extubating her or breaking her in any way!!  I actually held my breath while it happened, it was quite traumatic to watch, and of course I could feel my eyes welling up!!! 
Jasmine wasnt keen on the idea either!  She put on not just her angry face, but her furious face, and was wildly swinging punches and trying to kick the nurses!  The little wildcat settleed down pretty much as soon as she was in her new place and had her blankie on!  The transfer didnt take terribly long, but in that brief time her temperature went from 36.something to 35.4.  She'd had a feed just before the transfer and exhausted from her big move went straight to sleep.

I spent the day expressing, and sitting with jazz.  I'd do her cares when she needed them, and  if I wasnt expressing.  I would sometimes hold her hand or foot, but not too often as she needed her rest so she could grow, and also every time the isolette door is opened, the warm air is let out.  I talked quietly to her and continually told her how big, strong and healthy she was.   I also gave her lots of Reiki; both directly and through the isolette, whilst I have studied Reiki and metaphysics for years I still found it incredible that while I was giving her Reiki I could watch the monitor and see her sats improve, not that I needed any proof that Reiki works, but its still good to be able to quantify what you already know to be true.

I got home at 3pm, had a nap, but didnt sleep much and waited til Paul and I would go back in that night.
It was the longest wait, Paul kept procrastinating and by 10pm I was about to explode!!!
That got him moving and I finally got my Jazzie fix!

They had put a long line in her arm this afternoon and she was placed under lights for jaundice.  She was kicking back in her cosy little nest, little mask looking like dark sunglasses over her eyes to protect them....she couldve been relaxing in the sun on a tropical beach.  Her ear, which she loved to hold, was bent under the little net cap that helped hold the mask in place.  Paul reached in to straighten her ear and she got quite angry and pushed his hand away.  They were taking the umbilical tube out over night some time, so the next day she would be able to have tummy time, which might help her feel happier and more secure.

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