Friday, 24 June 2011

33 weeks gestation

I have to say, when those steroids work.....they bloody work fast!!!  Theyve again been the magic bullet for Jazz.
When I arrived at 8.30am, she was on 39% and by the time I left that afternoon she'd dropped to 33% and finally 29% and saturating beautifully.  She was weighed today and ufortunately because shed had to resume the diuretics she'd lost 60g and was 1150g.
Still tolerating continuous feeds and pooing like a champion!

Shes showing signs of being interested in sucking and milk and adores her CPAP dummy, its just a pity she needs someone to sit there and hold it in for her.
Paul, paige, Jazzies eldest brother Chris and I went in to visit tonight.  Storm and Kai were at their dads.  Chris was amazed and loves Jazz, he said he'll be very protective of her!!  Paige of course just adores her baby sister and says she cant wait til she's home and she will halp with nappies and everything!  We'll see!
Paul got his first real cuddle tonight.  He didnt want it kangaroo style cos he was concerned shed find his chest hair uncomfortable!

Jazz is growing more and more beautiful; and getting stronger each day.  Shes now on 29% oxygen and saturating well, tolerating feeds and co2 is good.
Had my cuddle, love my cuddles!!  She was having a major poo day today and did a massive one all over the nurses hand!  And when you'd open the isolette door youd be hit with a huge gust of stink!!!  She just reeks!!!  Looking forward to the day she can have a bath!!
Had my cuddles!!

Evening update- Leanne had her tonight and said she was very cranky for a few hours, leanne tried the music 3 times, dummy, patting her firmly (which worked while she did it but as soon as she stopped jazz was angry again!), until she was prone....then she promptly went to sleep.
In 23% oxygen, co2 in the 40's.  Heart rate fine but shot up over 200 when she had her wobbly!  Saturating at 90....Im lovin the roids!!

23% oxygen, co2 in the 50's
Had a few massive poos and the stink from the isolette was ridiculous, so she had her first wash down in the isolette, got weighed fresh nappy.....then poo'd again!
She hasnt lost or gained weight, just maintained.  I got a little cuddle while her bedding was changed.

Evening update- on air!!!! 21% , awesome!!!  Still on the dexamethazone (steroids) tolerating her continous feeds and behaving beautifully.

Oxygen between 23 and 25% today.  The OT, Bernie came today to show me a developmentally appropriate containment hold massage for azz, Jazzy seemed to enjoy it.

Jazzie shocked Cathryn today it was the first time Cathryn had seen Jazzies temper and she couldnt believe it!!  Im in for some trouble with this little chicky Im thinking!!!!!!
One of our friends bubs have RSV, theyre in quarantine and all the chronic lung disease bubs are getting RSV vaccinations, at $1,000.00 a shot, Im so glad I dont have to pay!!!
Jazz wasnt bothered by the injection, she had her magic sucrose and went far, far away to sugarland while they jabbed her!  She loves her sucrose!

I didnt get a chance to have a cuddle today.  Jazz had a busy day.  Her ventilator needed to be changed for servicing, then I held her up in the isolette while her sheets were changed because when the doctor checked her tummy, he didnt do up her nappy properly and she wee'd everywhere!!!  She chucked a tanty after that and took ages to settle so no cuddle :(

Dr Alex is really happy with her and seems to think she wont rebound as badly as before when she comes off the steroids again.
Tonight she was still on 25% oxygen and behaving.

This morning I could smell Jazz before the isolette doors even opened!!!! 
She got weighed today 1164g!!!  24g gain!
Had a magnificent 1 hour long kangaroo cuddle, they are thehighlight of my day!
The doctor is very pleased with her and says shes doing well, she has her last dose of steroids tomorrow, he doesnt know how much she'll rebound but hopes its not much.
oxygen 25% co2 48.7

evening update- being a very good girl!!

23% oxygen, co2 good!!
Had a big blood test today, loved her sucrose so much she didnt even notice the blood test!
Today at 12.30 she had her last dose of roids.  hope she does ok!
Missed out on a cuddle today as the nurses were preparing for a new little one to join us.

Evening update- 22-24% o2, a few small desats and co2 low 50's.

Oxygen has risen a little 26-28%, I hope shes not going to rebound, I dont know if Id cope seeing her reintubated after coming so far.  Shes having brief desats, dropping to 80.  They werent sure about me having cuddles today, but one of the nurses said she'll be fine.  She cracked the shits until I gave her the CPAP dummy and the entire time I held her including when she cracked it, she was saturating between 92-100!
Weighed after cuddles, she put on 64g in 2 days!!  and is now 1204g!!  Yay
After that she got dressed and snuggled in for a lovely sleep, listening to her music for dreaming MP3.

Rang at 5pm- She had Rachel.  Rachel said shes been really settled and sleeping since I left at 2pm.
She had a massive poo this arvo that oozed out the sides of her nappy and covered her sheets. haha, glad I didnt get that one!!!
Her oxygen had to go up to 29%
Otherwise she was being a good girl

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