Sunday 26 June 2011

40 weeks- officially a newborn!!!

Jasmines due date today and I'm just so excited!
She was weighed, after a feed though, we subtracted 30g, but maybe couldve taken more, will know for sure tomorrow.  I just wanted her term stats!!
She's 2123g (4lb 6oz) H.C 32cm and length 42cm.  She's so big now!!!

Theyre still very happy with her and still want to send her to Dandenong.....and I still dont want to go!!  We know Monash and Monash knows all Jazzies quirks...theyve even begun getting used to her girth!!  (which always freaks out the nurses who're new to Jazz!!!)  The thought of going to a strange hospital is really, honestly frightening!
I did 'term' hand and footprints today, a bit dodgy though 'cos she was not being at all cooperative!!, i'll redo them in a couple of days.

I bought her a big teddy bear chair from Zouki's today....she had to get her due date pressie!!!

1 day old corrected!!!

Wow, no more of the gestational age plus business, we're now into actual days corrected!!  wow!!
Its a bit hard to get used to this corrected age business at first!!!  She's 4 months old, but 1 day old corrected....strange!
She is, as always, magnificent today!!  She actually had a great feed at 8am, got 3 let downs and had lots of wind!!
Had a bath and a proper weigh, her real weight is 2110g!! 
She's doing so well with her feeds that her nurse today said it could only be a matter of weeks before she comes home!!  I hope so!!  I miss her so much when I leave! Its much harder now that she's well and its really only feeds keeping her in!!
She'll be shipped off to Dandy as soon as a bed is available....I told them how much I dont want to go.....hope a bed doesnt come up 'til we're outta here!!!!
Its going to be so scarey to leave!

2 days corrected
Wasnt really happy with her nurse today, she hadnt been in the country long and she found it difficult to understand things!  She wouldnt listen or understand when I told her Jazz had a big feed and was colicky, thankfully I ended up settling her by putting her on her belly.  Shamilly also did all the meds when Im supposed to do it and that annoyed me too.  I've noticed the Indian nurses dont seem to understand that when we mums/dads are in, its OUR job to change, bathe etc, for goodness sake Ive been doing her bum since she didnt even have a bum so its quite annoying to be brushed aside and have these other people take over when I'm in (happened in Bay 3 a lot also)

Jazz sucked well on 4pm and 8pm bottles, she's just brilliant!

3 days corrected
Jazz was much less colicky today.  She has infacol with each feed now, so she now has her booby and passes out instead of being unsettled and upset for hours.  Its interesting to re read this and see how she went from loving booby and passing out instantly to being colicky and upset so quickly, wonder what changed it?.......
She spent most of the morning farting -big, manly farts I might add, nothing petite or princessy about these farts!!!

Still waiting to move to Dandy (well, they are, I'm not!!!)  Tony wanted the respiratory team to know about Jazz before she goes and they said they want a download tonight.  they also want her to have a go at 15 minutes with no oxygen!!!!
She had her 15 minutes off o2 and utterly shit it in!!!!!!!!!!
No desats!!  They were so happy with that they said they wanted to see if she could cope with an hour!!

She had her eye exam around 2pm.  The ROP in her left eye is improving, she needs another exam in 3 weeks, if she's home we'll see Marcell in Cranbourne.
She had both breastfeeds today and settled well after each!  No top ups!

Weigh- she only put on 1g!!!  What a letdown!  The nurse said maybe its because she's been so unsettled and not sleeping well and burning off too many calories.

8.30pm- Started her download, and she had her hour off o2 earlier.....and shit that in too!!!!  Only 1 small desat and that was when she was squirming!
She also has staph in her eye and is having eye cream.  I asked where staph comes from and was told it lives in the nose....since Jazz cant get anywhere near her nose due to the massive size of those prongs in her nose, and the fact that NICU turned me into a germophobic, obsessive-compulsive hand washer; and since I noticed something wrong with her eye and brought it to the doctors attention in Bay 3, I can only assume it was that bloody coughing, snotty Bay 3 nurse!!!  Snotting all over my baby...grrrr

4 days corrected
Jazz was fussing at the boob again today, very unsettled, doesnt know what she wants!!  Once again Im wondering if whether I should just put her on the confusing!!!
Its difficult to know what to do at the best of times, but when you've been through all of the things I was really looking forward to all the time she has been in NICU and special care was to be able to breastfeed her.  When she started off and was doing so well I was so know.  At the end of the day, I know the whole breastfeeding thing is really again about me.  It really doesnt matter for her because whether its bottle or breast, she still gets breast milk so she's still getting the best thing for her regardless of the packaging!......but I was really wanting to breastfeed.......we shall see...

In every other area, she's doing magnificently!!  The download report came back (but its yet to be assessed by respiratory) it says she desatted 1 hour out of 12, that sounds pretty good to me! It also said she spends 45% of her time moving!!  Just need to wait for the official results.

Sandy hadher this afternoon, she was annoyed that they keep topping Jazz up nasogastrically.  When I called that night, she said she believes the reason Jazz fusses at the breast is because she LOVES the bottle, she just chugs it down like a little piggy!!  I guess thats it then!  If Jazz wants bottle, she'll get bottle!
Sandy also removed the NG tube!!  Yay!!  All suck feeds!!  NEARLY HOME!!!!!!!

5 days corrected
Jazz started her first day on all bottle feeds, she does really well on them.  After talking with her nurse we came to a conclusion.  Jazz had begun a pattern on the breast of 'suck, suck, wait...then some quick sucks and waiting...then a couple more suck, wait.....ahhhhh, letdown...swallow, swallow, gulp, gulp.....fuss and tanty cos the let down stopped...'  so basically the lazy little bugger just doesnt want to put the effort in to sucking and was getting plenty of fore milk with the let downs, but none of the good, satisfying hind milk....the bottle is easy, you dont need to suck much!!
She's off caffiene again now, hopefully she'll do well off it this time, then we just need diuretics reduced and to gain a bit more weight and she can come home!!!!!
The only other thing that needs doing is that Paul and I need to learn resuscitation before she gets the ok to come home...oh, and oxygen needs to be delivered, installed and  need to learn what to do with the machine and thats it!!  So I told them ok, we're good to go now!!  I want out!

She had her weigh today, up 49g to 2160g.

So close now, Ive started getting the house in some semblance of order in preparation for Jazzie coming home!

6 days corrected
Jazz is a little champ!!
Loving her bottles and even hasher meds in them, although today she had her hydro and spiro (sounds like a playstation game!!) and infacol straight from the syringe.....and didnt seem to mind it!!!

She has little posits after eachof her bottles though.
Etta said they are organising everything for us to go home!!!  Needs to come off the fortifier, and have her diuretics down to once a day!

The speed with which she's been improving over the past few weeks has been absolutely phenomenal to me!!!  If you'd told me it was going to be like this, while she was on that bloody HFO monster, I wouldve thought you were totally insane!!!!
Its something I never expected and I'm loving it, cant wait to get her home, and its becoming especially hard now that she's so very close!!!!!  It'll be better than Christmas!

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