Wednesday 15 June 2011

It was a rollercoaster even before she was born!!!

I found out I was pregnant around october 2008.  For the previous two months in a row I had had all the signs of a pregnancy, but each time I did a pregnancy test, it was negative.  I told mum I was sure I must be going through early menopause and that if the same thing happened again, id have to get it checked out.  Sure enough....all the pregnancy signs, but this time the test was positive!
I headed off to the GP to have it confirmed and was of course sent for an ultrasound.  There was nothing visible in the ultrasound, but I wasnt concerned as I typically find out im pregnant quite early.  But upon getting into my car I recieved a phonecall from the GP, they wanted me to come back immediately as they thought it was ectopic.
They said there was no sign of a gestational sac, but that the sonographer saw a "mass" on one of my ovaries.  They took blood to check my hormone levels, when they came back with good levels, they wanted another and said if the levels went up it was definately ectopic.....I had no physical symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy, I felt great!  And I asked, well couldnt it just be a very early normal pregnancy, but they were adamant it was not.  When the levels showed higher again I was immediately sent to Monash.

After being admitted and wating for 7 hours, the gynaecologist finally came to see me.  I told her I didnt believe it was ectopic, so she did an internal.....I swear this woman had her arm inside me up to her elbow!!!!!!!  she pushed on the ovary, up from the inside and down on it from the outside and was surprised that I had no pain!  She said she didnt think it was ectopic, but offered me methotrexate, which would basically 'melt' the foetus away, thank god I had been put on methotrexate in my 20's as an arthritis drug and had terrible side effects, so they couldnt give it to me.  So they ordered an ultrasound for the morning.

During the ultrasound, the sonographer (this one experienced in obstetric ultrasound!!) began to get a little excited.......he ran off to get his superior, and when she came in they began asking if I had been taking any fertility drugs.......the sonographer exitedly said that there were two corpus leuteums on one ovary (the suspicious mass) and 1 on the other, a gestational sac was visible, but no fetal poles could be seen as I was only just 5 weeks pregnant....they were thinking triplets!!!  Oh dear god!!!  I didnt know how I would cope!!!  That would mean a grand total of 10 children!!!!!  My 3, Pauls 4 and triplets!!! (although we dont all live together as its just too hard and unaffordable!!)

I couldnt bring myself to tell that to Paul, I told him they were thinking possibly twins! lol  That scared him enough!  I was told to come back in a week for another ultrasound to see if it was a multiple pregnancy.  That was a very long week!!!!!  But the next ultrasound showed a gestational sac and 1 tiny fetal pole, I could relax again!!

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