Saturday 2 July 2011

Homecoming week!!!

 Day 15
Another miserable day without seeing my precious Jazz.  Bloody cold.  I hope she doesnt think mummy's just up and left her!  I just cant wait to hold her again!  and kiss her and tell her I love her!! Its hard to think of her in there all on her own....I mean with no loving family with her.

Mum and Dad are going in tomorrow for me to get me some bottles and tell her I miss her.

Been calling of course, shes doing really well.  She had her first bath and weigh without me today :(
Shes up 40g clever girl!

Day 16
I'm still snuffly but my throats not full of mucous though its not funny!!  And Paige is very crook with tonsillitis.
Mum and Dad got the bottles for me and brought me Jazzies dirty laundry.  They also took a photo for me.  Shes just so big and beautiful!!  They told her I loved and missed her, she squirmed and wriggled in her sleep in response.
Hope I'm over this cold soon, I'm feeling really down not being able to see her.

Day 17
Still bloody crook, so its another rotten day without my precious girl!
Mum had to go in for me to take clean clothes and blankets, and deliver more milk.  She got to have a cuddle and loved it, glad bubby knows she hasnt been abandoned!!
The plan now is for Jazz to come home Friday!!  o2 will be delivered Thursday morning! 
The reporter called for the phone interview.  He told me her neonatologist Tony told him shes one of their best success stories because she's come through basically unscathed.  According to the reporter, Tony said she was only given a 1 or 2% chance of survival!!! And only a 1 or 2 % chance of having no serious disabilities!!  OMG!!
Glad they didnt tell me that!!!  She REALLY is a miracle!!
She was weighed again and just maintained, better than a loss!

Day 18
I'm much better today, I  reckon I'll be able to see her tomorrow!!!
Have to get the o2 installed first, they are coming in the morning.  I'm getting so excited now!!!  I never dreamed initially that she would come home so soon after her due date and be doing so well!!!
Cant wait to see my precious girland bring her home!
Shes doing great as usual, not much to report- she eats, sleeps and poos!!
I have missed her so much its not funny!!!

Day 19
I'm well!!!!!!!!
o2 was delivered late morning, exciting but a bit scarey too!!
Got in to my magnificent Jazz early afternoon.
Shes so big!!!  Gave her a bottle and hugged and kissed her lots!!!  I have missed her so much!  Cant wait to have her home tomorrow!!

Shes going to have a bath and a weigh tomorrow morning before her feed.  Dad and I will get there about 8.30am.  She should be home around lunch time!!!!  So exciting!

Day 20
Dad and I got in at 8.30am
She was weighed- 2456g (5lb 11 oz)
Had to wait 'til 2pm to take her homw, it was the longest day ever!!!!
We did our lap of honour around NBS saying goodbye to everyone and thanking them for the incredible job they did to get Jazz safely home.
Now I just hope Jazzies roomie Annabella gets home quicksmart!!!

Its incredible to finally have her home at last!!  The kids were so excitied and couldnt leave her alone, I just cant put into words how amazing it is that we have her now all to ourselves!!!!

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