Saturday 2 July 2011

November 2009

Jazz had respiratory today and did really well.  Nick wants her to have a download!
A nurse from carelink will probably contact me next week to come out and hook Jazz up to the oximeter. Nick said it may be that she gets to be off o2 during the day and just have it at night, that would  be so good!!!

Shes still talking lots and managed a raspberry today!  For a week and a half now shes been constantly pulling her prongs out and chewing on them!!

Jazz had her weigh today, she put on 300g in 11 days and is now 4780g!!  Lee is really happy with her!
Carelink rang yesterday, Jazz will have her download o n Monday!
Lots of raspberries today!

Jazz has been really struggling with the heatwave we've been having.  She doesnt sleep all day and is grumpy ( and blows raspberries in her anger!!) but thankfully still sleeping well overnight!

Having her dowwnload.  It took ages to settle her! She was so excited to have the cannula out that she did a 20km run and flew half way round the world flapping her little wings in the cot!!
Mum held her and tried to get her to sleep, Jazz was still hooked up to the poor frazzled oximeter.  Mum farted and Jazzies o2 immediately dropped from 94-84!!! and BPM went from 122 up to 140!!!  I laughed so hard!!  Bloody hilarious, I always knew Mums farts could make a great biological weapon!!
When I went to bed at 12.30am Jazzies o2 was 91. 

Got the results of Jazzies download on Monday, she has to remain on o2 24/7 for growth and development, boo.
She satted between 85 and 95 all night, but to get off she needs to be 95-100.  But for her gestation and the length of time she was ventilated, plus all the infections pre and post birth, I think shes doing brilliantly!!
She put on 200g this past week!  Now 5040g!
She saw the Paed on the 20th, hes really happy with her progress, but I told him she doesnt like to put weight on her feet at all.  He tried to get her to stand and noticed she goes up on tippy toes and tries to curl her toes under.  he thinks she may be being sensory defensive.  probably due to all those blood tests!!!  Shes now 56cm long and is just nudging under the 3rd centile on the premmie chart for everything!  He said shes in perfect proportion!  At her first Paed visit, I forgot to write down that she had some plagiocephaly, which is when the head is out of shape.  One side of her head was pushing forward with her ear all lopsided as well, so he told me to lie her on the other side to try to get her head shape fixed.  And it worked, one perfect head!!  Yay!
Other than that shes doing everything for corrected age and is still a VERY happy bubby!
She doesnt like the heat at all, we've had some very hot days and the concentrator pumps out so much heat the portable cooler cant cool the house!
Shes off her bottles a little, not drinking her whole 200ml (if only she'd do that now!!!) and looks like she may be starting to teethe.  For a couple of weeks now she's been so dribbly and bites VERY hard on your finger!  But shes too little to hold a teether!
Sleeping has been a bit off this week too.  Totally on formula now.  Im sad, but at least I expressed for almost 9 months, I was just getting too drained by the end there.

weighed today, only gained 80g this time.  Lee is still happy with her, she siad it might be time to try her on some solids cos shes been unsettled, so this afternoon she sat in her bumbo ( and quite enjoyed it!) and had two tiny mouthfuls of rice cereal.  She wasnt overly interested, but didnt seem to mind it, dont think shes totally ready yet but may give it another go tomorrow.

I noticed Jasmines breathing was hard and fast and she was working very hard.  Her dinking was still off and for a few days her breathing had  been a bit harder than usual.  I checked her tummy and chest and the recession was huge!!  She was sucking right through to her back!  Took her to Monash and she was admitted for 3 days with mild bronchiolitis, no snots and not coughing much, but hard work of breathing and went off her bottles.  But throughout the whole illness she was her usual happy self!

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