Saturday 2 July 2011

October 2009

Jazz had her respiratory appointment on the 2nd.  Nick is still very impressed with her.  She put on 700g in a month and her lungs are improving, she did brilliantly on 0.03 oxygen and only desatted to 89 after a while on air!!
Nick said if she keeps going like this she'll be off o2 before Christmas!  If she does well next month, particularly if the weight gain is good again, she might have her download!
Paul got his first smile on the 2nd. She had physio on Thursday and did great of course, just needs more tummy time.

Still smiling lots and this week she's begun spinning on her floor mat.  She also rolled onto her side for the first time yesterday!!  Its funny how when she was in NICU all she wanted was to be on her tummy, now she cant stand it and gets so grumpy!!
Sleeping 7-12 hrs over night!

Jazz did her first roll today!!!!!!  From her back to her tummy, then cracked the shits because she was stuck on her tummy and couldnt roll back!! lol
She's 13 weeks and 5 days corrected.
She squealies almost constantly on the floor now, chatting to her toys and anyone who's in earshot!

Jazz finally cracked the big 4 kilos!  9lb 20z!!
Went to Monash for morning tea, caught up with Sharon and Matt and Fu and Longlong, they are huge!!

Jazz rolls perfectly now from tummy to back and holds her head up off the floor!

Got weighed today, put on 160g!!!  now 4320g!!  The maternal and child health nurse, Lee, is amazed by her rolling!
Had cardio appointment at Casey today, unofficially, theres no PDA!!  Yay!
While I was there I decided to go upstairs and show them what they nearly killed.  Sally, the jin shin jyutsu nurse rushed over and hugged and kissed me and held Jazz, everyone was amazed and so happy about her!  Muhummad, the obstetrician who wanted to abort her was astounded, he held her and kept asking loads of questions and was just amazed that there was nothing wrong with her.  I hope he remembers that next time someones in my situation there.  He said the night jazz was born (I had bumped into the midwife, Dawn, who told me I was cruel) Dawn came back to Casey and told everyone I'd miscarried rather than telling them Jazz had been born prematurely.......I was offended by that!!

Jazz put on more weight, now 4480g!  Shes getting so big!
Lee is impressed with how well shes doing.  Normal 4 month old stuff plus the rolling which is advanced!
Jazz constantly has her fingers in her mouth and dribbles almost constantly!
She had her 6 month vaccinations Friday and has been a bit unsettled since then, not sleeping much during the day and wants to be held constantly, but still sleeping 12 hrs over night.

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