Sunday 3 July 2011

February.......mild CP.....WTF??

7 months corrected!!

Jazz is being a bit naughty!  Slowly starting to take her bottles better, but going off the solids over the past 2 days! I cant win!  She lost 60g this time.  It appears as though that delightful great feeding, weight gain honeymoon may be well and truly on the way out! 
She had physio today, minor kick in the guts.  She pushes back A LOT when you try to sit her up, I just thought she REALLY wanted to lie down, but according to Rochelle it could be a sign of mild CP.  The same with the tippy toes when she stands, and this wierd shaking/vibrating thing she does sometimes....almost siezure-like.  Why a kick in the guts you may be asking, its only mild.  Yep, it is. The kick in the guts comes from believing there was nothing at all wrong, she was THE miracle baby!!  (of course, she still is) but given how well she'd done, it was something I absolutely never expected!! One of the reasons it was unexpected was because I was under the impression that the CP came from brain bleeds and Jazz had none.  I was told the ventilator, steroids and of course meningitis could cause developmental delays etc...but no one actually said CP when in fact those things of course can cause it, so I thought we were out of the CP woods!!  And even though its mild, we wont know for a while just how that will affect her.  It didnt get me down at all, just completely unexpected!!!!
She's doing everything else brilliantly, rolling onto her tummy and moving around all the time now so I think if it does turn out to definately be CP I dont think it'll be a handicap.


On the 12/2 Jazz started trying to get up on her hands and knees!  On the 14th not only did she succeed but she started the rocking motion!!!!!
Last week she was weighed, shes being weighed weekly again due to her losses, and that week she actually gained 290g!!!!  Way to go Jazz!!.......weighed again today and lost 85g, OMG!!  We just cant figure her out!
Shes happy and active, probably too active, drinking her bottles a bit better (except for today!) but not eating much....cant win!
She starts early intervention tomorrow, at Biala, which is where Kai had his early intervention.

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